Romain Erkiletlian

Visual Art

Sculptures/design - Cool monsters- Signals – Connectivity - Beams of light - Mystical billboards - Asteroids


Exploring spaces, cool monsters, connectivity and signals guides the artistic vision of Romain Erkiletlian.

In his bodies of works the artist explores the connexion between upper and lower spaces, through paintings, drawings and sculptures.

Imagining a mystical architecture of the city, he transforms the urban landscape and its elements, and connect them up to higher spaces of the immensity, through beams of light and energy and meteor scupltures, a direct physical link connecting these spaces.


For the past several years, Romain Erkiletlian, has created paintings, drawings and photographs that take a unique approach to the urban landscape. Applying a faceted viewpoint and limited palette, each work embodies the chaos and energy that have become the cinematic norm in our culture’s perception of utopia/dystopia, or in Erkiletlian’s case, idealized settings to explore themes of design, architecture and regeneration. Through this carefully orchestrated filter of line and form, Erkiletlian abstracts representations of ‘city’and spaces, albeit ones without a visible human presence, and turns these into quasi-futuristic scenarios. And with no single point of reference, the viewer is open to free association, floating through each work with much to imagine, and a journey to experience. Erkiletlian’s esthetic fiction clearly resides somewhere between Fritz Lang’s Metropolis (1927) and Ridley Scott’s Bladerunner (1982), with hints of Chuck Jones’ 1940s animated outer space adventures added for good measure. Sanitized bright silvers, baby blues and fluorescent orange highlights punctuate the work, reminding the viewer that design is an emotional factor. These flat planes of color become graphic symbols; however the viewer is often unable to discern the difference between positive and negative space.



2021 Commission of 4 concert videos by SONA (Symphonia of North Arkansas), USA


A Little Retrospective, Bunkamura space, Tokyo Japan

Things to Come, co-curated by Yves Sabourin, Galerie Sator, Paris, France


Project Room, Sandra Gering Inc. Gallery, NYC, US


Majestic X, Galerie Sator, Paris, France 2008

Made in Japan, LipanjePuntin Artecontemporanea, Trieste, Italy


Photostructures, LipanjePuntin Artecontemporanea, Roma, Italy


De Miguel Gallery, Munich, Germany 1999

OK Harris Gallery, New York, NY




Participate at the Storefront For Art and Architecture museum s charity, New York, NY

Watch design collaboration with Modify and Artmarkit, US

Drawing Now art fair, with Galerie Sator, Paris, France

Large mural commissionned by Vogele Real Estate Group, for St-Gallen, Switzerland Miami Art Masters, Miami, US


Miami Art Masters, Miami, US

Piggy Bank Foundation, Yamanashi, Japan 2014

Artist scarf design for Milkoo, featured at D-dessin art fair in Paris, France Proposition Lumière, Galerie Sator, Paris, France


“Off”, Kyotography Festival, Kyoto, Japan 2012

Still in Motion, Lipanjepuntin Artecontemporanea, Trieste, Italy Art Show Busan, Busan, South Korea


Kyoto Art Fair, Japan


Wettingen Project, Wettingen, Switzerland Mural commissioned by l’Institut Francais, Tokyo, Japan (catalog)

No Man’s Land, at the French Embassy, Tokyo, Japan (catalog)


Roppongi Art Night, selection of the Mori Museum of Art, Tokyo, Japan

No Man’s Land, at the French Embassy, Tokyo, Japan

Still in Motion, Lipanjepuntin Artecomporanea, Trieste, Italy Arte Fiera, Lipanjepuntin Artecontemporanea, Bologna Italy

Forgotten Territories, Curator Lorraine Hussenot, 104, Paris, France

S.P.A.C.E.R, galerie La BANK, Paris, France 2008

Corpo Sociale, Curator Laurent Hegyi, Galleria Pack, Milan, Italy

Endless Variables, 3 men show, Kathleen Cullen Fine Arts, New York, NY

Milano Art Fair, Lipanjepuntin Artecontemporarnea, Milan, Italy

Lost Horizons, Curator David Gibson, Amherst University, Massachussetts, US Arte Fiera, Lipanjepuntin Artecontemporanea, Bologna, Italy


The Armory Show, Gering & Lopez Gallery, New York, NY, US

Arte Fiera, LipanjePuntin Artecontemporanea, Bologna, Italy LipanjePuntin Artecontemporanea, Trieste, Italy

Arte Fiera, LipanjePuntin Artecontemporanea, Bologna, Italy

Is there Anybody Out There, LipanjePuntin Artecontemporanea, Trieste, Italy


MiArt, LipanjePuntin Artecontemporanea, Milan, Italy

The Armory Show, Sandra Gering Gallery, New York, NY


Sandra Gering Gallery, Five 05, New York, NY Artefiera, Lipanjepuntin Artecontemporane Gallery, Bologna, Italy 2004

Lutz & Thalmann Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland (catalog) MIART, Lipanjepuntin Artecontemporane Gallery, Milan, Italy Lipanjepuntin Artecontemporane Gallery, Trieste, Italy


ARCO, Garage Regium Gallery, Madrid, Spain


ARTISSIMA, De Miguel Gallery, Turin, Italy 2000

De Chiara Stewart Gallery, New York, NY 1999

OK Harris Gallery, New York, NY


Léonora Vega Gallery, New York, NY